Scottish Seminar in Early Modern Philosophy VII
Organisation :
James HARRIS (University of St Andrews)
Mogens LÆRKE (CNRS, ENS de Lyon)
Key Note Speakers :
Sylvana Tomaselli (Cambridge)
Matthew Daniel Eddy (Durham)
Sponsors : The Scots Philosophical Association, Philosophy Department, St. Andrews, Institute of Intellectual History, St Andrews, Institut d’histoire des représentations et des idées dans les modernités (UMR 5317), ENS de Lyon
We welcome abstracts on any topic in pre-Kantian early modern philosophy (broadly defined, ranging from late Renaissance philosophy to the Enlightenment). We particularly encourage proposals that consider early modern philosophy in relation to other related disciplines, such as theology, politics, intellectual history and/or the history of science. Presentations should be in English and approximately 45 minutes in reading length. We make an effort to assure a reasonable gender balance.
The SSEMP awards a Graduate Student Essay Prize which this year, as in previous years, is funded by the British Society for the History of Philosophy. The prize includes an invitation to present the essay at the SSEMP and a bursary of £200 towards travel and accommodation. The bursary cannot be used for any other purpose. Submissions to the essay competition should include : (1) name, affiliation, name and email of supervisor, and personal contact information ; (2) the complete essay (max. 6000 words, including notes). Everything should be gathered in a single pdf or word file. Deadline for submissions is 15 January 2016. They should be sent by email to Mogens Lærke on mogens.laerke ens-lyon.fr. Those who wish to submit a proposal both as a complete text for the essay competition and as a short abstract for the regular programme are free to do so.
Abstracts for the regular programme (approx. 300 words, abstract and contact information in a single pdf or word file) should be sent by email to Mogens Lærke on mogens.laerke ens-lyon.fr. Graduate students submitting to the regular program should include contact information for one referee (typically the supervisor.)
The deadline for submission of abstracts is 15 January 2016. Due to very high numbers of submissions we can no longer undertake to respond individually to all of them. Applicants who have not been contacted by 15 February should consider their submission declined.
The SSEMP VII is the seventh edition of a yearly event that brings together established scholars, young researchers and advanced graduate students working in the field of early modern philosophy. The aim is to foster scholarly exchange among the different generations of academics in the UK and to strengthen international collaboration.