Dympna Callaghan « ’And you talk in blank verse’ : Language and Liberty in As You Like It »
l’IHRIM-Clermont-Ferrand aura le plaisir d’accueillir Dympna Callaghan (Syracuse University), spécialiste de la Renaissance anglaise et ex-Présidente de la Shakespeare Association of America.
Dympna Callaghan nous proposera à cette occasion une conférence intitulée « ’And you talk in blank verse’ : Language and Liberty in As You Like It » et adossée au programme d’agrégation d’anglais (2016-2017 et 2017-2018).
Présentation de la conférencière :
Dympna Callaghan is William L. Safire Professor of Modern Letters in the Department of English at Syracuse University. She has published widely on the playwrights and poets of the English Renaissance and was President of the Shakespeare Association of America in 2012-13. Callaghan has held fellowships at the Folger, Huntington and Newberry Libraries, at the Getty Research Centre in Los Angeles, and at the Bogliasco Center for Arts and Humanities in Liguria, Italy. She is a Life Member of Clare Hall, Cambridge University, and she was appointed Lloyd David distinguished fellow at the University of Queensland Australia for 2015. Her most recent books are Who Was William Shakespeare ? (2013), Hamlet : Language and Writing (2015), and A Feminist Companion to Shakespeare, Second Edition (2016). She is the editor of the book series Arden Language and Writing, and co-editor, with Michael Dobson of the Palgrave Shakespeare monograph series.
Contact :
Sophie Chiari