Mind and body across time and discipline
Organization :
Ohad Nachtomy (IEA Paris / Bar-Ilan University)
Mogens Lærke (CNRS, IHRIM, ENS de Lyon)
The workshop is supported by IEA of Paris and IHRIM (CNRS-UMR 5317), ENS de Lyon, and Labex Comod, Université de Lyon.
14:00 Mogens Lærke and Ohad Nachtomy : Opening Remarks
14:15 Pia Campeggiani (IEA-Paris) : “Aristotle on Life and Mind.”
15:00 Delphine Antoine-Mahut (ENS de Lyon) : “Pourquoi s’intéresser aux arguments des physiologistes lorsqu’on est un philosophe spiritualiste ?”
15:00-15:30 Coffee Break
15:30-16:15 Justin E. H. Smith (Paris VII-Diderot) : “Leibniz sur les corps mixtes et les formes subordonnées.”
16:15-17:00 Barnaby Hutchins (Alpen-Adria, Klagenfurt) : “Descartes, Spinoza, and Embodied Metaphysics.”
17:00-17:15 Break
17:15-18:00 Daniel Garber (Princeton) : “Spinoza on Knowing the Mind through Knowing the Body.”
9:30-10:00 Coffee
10:00-10:45 Charles Wolfe (Ghent), “Brain-mind materialism : Priestley’s Lockean Problem.”
10:45-11:30 Anne-Lise Rey (Paris X-Nanterre) : “L’extension de l’esprit pour Gassendi.”
11:30-11:45 Break
11:45-12:30 Mogens Lærke (CNRS, IHRIM, ENS de Lyon) : “Minding the Body Politic. State Anatomy and the Psycho-Physical Analogy in Hobbes and Harrington.”
12:30 Lunch Break
14:00-14:45 Stefanie Buchenau (Paris VIII-St. Denis) : “The Organ of the Soul. Kant’s Dialogue with Sömmering.”
14:45-15:30 Marleen Rozemond (Toronto) : “Cudworth on Plastick Natures : why not only the mental defies materialism.”
15:30 Coffee Break
16:00-17:30 Round Table on O. Nachtomy and E. Shifoni, The Psychophysical Lab. Yoga Practice and the Mind-Body Problem (2018) (with Noga Arikha, Jean-Pascal Anfray, Barnaby Hutchins).