Séminaire « Scottish Seminar » 2023
Organisation :
James Harris (University of St. Andrews)
Mogens Lærke (CNRS-IHRIM 5317, ENS de Lyon)
Sponsors :
Philosophy Department, University of St. Andrews, Scottish Philosophical Association, British Society for the History of Philosophy, IHRIM UMR 5317, ENS de Lyon
Keynote speakers :
Jennifer MARUSIC (Edinburgh)
Philippe HAMOU (Paris-Nanterre)
After a three-year hiatus in 2020-2022 caused by Covid-19, the Scottish Seminar in Early Modern Philosophy (SSEMP) will now resume. SSEMP XI is the eleventh edition of a yearly international workshop that brings together established scholars, young researchers and advanced graduate students working in the field of Early Modern Philosophy. SSEMP welcomes papers on any topic in early modern philosophy (broadly defined to mean pre-Kantian philosophy ranging from late Renaissance philosophy to the early Enlightenment). We particularly encourage proposals which consider early modern philosophy in relation to related disciplines, such as theology, the history of literature, intellectual history and the history of science. SSEMP is conceived as a forum where established academics, early career researchers, and advanced PhD students can meet. We make an effort to assure a reasonable gender balance.
Submissions for the regular program should include a 300-word abstract + contact information gathered in A SINGLE PDF-FILE named : “surname.title.abstract.pdf.” Graduate students submitting to the regular program should include contact information for one referee (typically the supervisor). Please DO NOT blind submissions. Deadline for submission of abstracts is 15 December 2022. They should be sent by email to Mogens Lærke. Due to very high numbers of submissions we cannot undertake to respond individually to all submissions. Applicants who have not been contacted by 15 January 2023 should consider their submission declined.
Please note that we cannot provide funding for travel or accommodation for speakers. SSEMP XI will begin on 11 May, 11am, and finish on 12 May, 4pm. For further information about previous editions of the SSEMP, see https://ssemp.wordpress.com/
Organisers :
James Harris (St. Andrews)
Mara van der Lugt (St. Andrews)
Alexander Douglas (St. Andrews)
Antonio Salgado Borge (St. Andrews)
Mogens Lærke (IHRIM, ENS de Lyon / MFO Oxford)