Shakespeare de la scène à l’écran
Russell Jackson (University of Birmingham) proposera à cette occasion une conférence sur deux films de Kenneth Branagh, As You Like It et Hamlet.
Cette séance sera animée par Sophie Chiari (Université Clermont Auvergne-IHRIM)
The text of As You Like It is rarely cut in the theatre, while Hamlet is hardly ever given using all the available script material. Kenneth Branagh has directed films of both plays : his 1996 Hamlet delivers the ’complete’ text, and his As You Like It was adapted for the screen with the textual alterations usually expected for that medium. Russell Jackson, who has worked closely with Branagh as text consultant on his theatre and film productions of Shakespeare’s plays, will discuss his films of the two plays.
Sous l’égide du Labex COMOD
Animé par Claude Gauthier, Arnaud Milanese et Sophie Lemercier-Goddard de l’ENS Lyon et Sophie Chiari de l’Université Clermont Auvergne (UCA)
Contact et renseignements : Sophie Chiari
Les séances sont ouvertes à toute personne intéressée.