Spinoza : Reason, Religion, Politics

The relation between the Ethics and the Tractatus Theologico-Politicus

Daniel GARBER, Mogens LÆRKE, Pierre-François MOREAU et Pina TOTARO (dir.)

coll. « Oxford Scholarship Online »
Oxford University Press
2 août 2024, 480 p.
ISBN 9780198848165
e-ISBN 9780192587480
DOI 10.1093/9780191882722.001.0001
Accessible partiellement sur books.google.fr
Directeurs scientifiques IHRIM : Mogens LÆRKE et Pierre-François MOREAU

Spinoza wrote two main works : the Ethics, and the Tractatus theologico-politicus. Both are about salvation, but in very different ways : one is about reason, the other about revelation, one is about individuals and how they should live, the other is about the way we should live together. For the most part, the scholarly literature is dominated by books and articles that focus on one or another of these two works. In Spinoza : Reason, Religion, Politics, a diverse international group of scholars, senior and junior, confront both of these works together, and attempt to understand the many ways in which they are related to one another. The volume is organized into six parts. Part I, “Two Intertwined Texts,” Part II, “God and Atheism,” Part III, “Laws : Natural, Human, and Divine,” Part IV, “Wonder, Final Causes, and Miracles,” Part V, “Revelation, Reason, and Salvation,” and Part VI, “Political Philosophy.”

Cet ouvrage est issu du colloque Spinoza : Reason, Religion and Politics qui a eu lieu à l’université de Princeton du 5 au 7 mai 2017.

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