Atelier Franco-Américain de philosophie moderne
Thursday, June 14 (14h00-17h45)
14h00-14h15 Welcome/Bienvenue
14h15-15h15 Vincent Darveau-St.-Pierre (ENS Lyon), “More than Moral Certainty ? A Few Remarks on an Ambiguous Expression in Descartes”
15h15-15h30 Break
15h30-16h30 Jack Stetter (Paris-VIII), “Spinoza and Judaism in the French Context”
16h30-16h45 Break
16h45-17h45 Chloe Armstrong (Lawrence), “Fact and Fiction : Cavendish’s Description of a New World”
Friday, June 15 (10h00-17h30)
10h00-11h00 Damien Lacroux (Paris-I), “From Cartesian Neurophysiology to Current Experimental Neurophysiology : Homologies and Method of Translation”
11h00-11h15 Break
11h15-12h15 Hadley Cooney (Wisconsin-Madison), “Cavendish and Des cartes on Animal Consciousness”
12h15-14h00 Lunch
14h00-15h00 Marco Storni (ENS Paris), “Early Eighteenth Century Cartesian Epistemologies”
15h00-15h15 Break
15h15-16h15 Thibault Geisler (EUI, Florence), “Les convulsionnaires de SaintMédard : Power of the Imagination and Social Contagion”
16h15-16h30 Break
16h30-17h30 Tobias Flattery (Notre Dame), “Worlds Apart, Causal Inde pendence, and Existential Independence in Leibniz’s Meta physics’
Saturday, June 16 (10h00-13h00)
Round Table, Séminaire Descartes : On Steven Nadler’s Heretics ! : The Wonderous (and Dangerous) Beginnings of Modern Philosophy (Princeton, 2017). Interventions of Edwin Curley (Michigan-Ann Arbor), Mogens Laerke (CNRS), Martine Pécherman (CNRS) and Samuel Newlands (Notre Dame). Responses of Steven Nadler (Wisconsin-Madison). Moderator : Tad Schmaltz.
Cet événement entre dans le cadre d’une formation doctorale, soutenue par l’appel à projet 2017-2018 du LabEx COMOD