Tristram WOLFF (univ. Northwestern) « Not Feeling It : Affect as Critique in the Romantic Essay »
Organisation : Lacy RUMSEY (ENS de Lyon)
Conférences de Tristram WOLFF (Assistant Professor, univ. de Northwestern, Evanston, États-Unis) professeur invité à l’ENS de Lyon.
In a more informal presentation, Prof. Wolff will talk about a work in progress focused on the British romantic critic and essayist William Hazlitt. Engaging with the long, gendered history of “emotivism,” or the tendency to try to separate the language of feeling from the language of reason, he will foreground Hazlitt’s representative romantic anti-utilitarianism by treating his devotion to affect as a legitimate mode of critical thought. He will be looking especially at Hazlitt’s late essay collection The Plain Speaker (1825) as it reflects various possible influences, from an earlier generation of influential British literary critics (Joanna Baillie, Anna Barbauld, Elizabeth Inchbald) to some of Hazlitt’s continental interlocutors (A. W. Schlegel, Stendhal, de Staël).
L’ENS de Lyon et l’IHRIM ont le plaisir d’accueillir pendant un mois comme professeur invité Tristram WOLFF, Assistant Professor à Northwestern University (Evanston, États-Unis) et auteur de Against the Uprooted Word : Giving Language Time in Transatlantic Romanticism (Stanford UP, 2022). Il donnera trois conférences en anglais pendant son séjour.
L’entrée est libre.