Tristram WOLFF (univ. Northwestern) « Giving Language Time : The Chronopolitics of the Stone in Early Romantic Poetry »
Organisation : Lacy RUMSEY (ENS de Lyon)
Conférences de Tristram WOLFF (Assistant Professor, univ. de Northwestern, Evanston, États-Unis) professeur invité à l’ENS de Lyon.
In this talk, Prof. Wolff will introduce his recent book, Against the Uprooted Word : Giving Language Time in Transatlantic Romanticism (Stanford UP, 2022). The talk addresses several of the book’s major themes, in particular the term “gray romanticism,” and the question of what it means not just to historicize language, but to give language time. In doing so it dwells on romantic-era convergences among poetry, geology, and language study ; and, taking the British poet William Blake (1757-1827) as an example, makes an argument for the broad significance of tropes that “hear” stone, or give stone linguistic agency.
L’ENS de Lyon et l’IHRIM ont le plaisir d’accueillir pendant un mois comme professeur invité Tristram WOLFF, Assistant Professor à Northwestern University (Evanston, États-Unis) et auteur de Against the Uprooted Word : Giving Language Time in Transatlantic Romanticism (Stanford UP, 2022). Il donnera trois conférences en anglais pendant son séjour.
L’entrée est libre.