Organisation :
James HARRIS (St. Andrews),
Mara van der LUGT (St. Andrews),
Alexander DOUGLAS (St. Andrews), Mogens LÆRKE (IHRIM, ENS de Lyon / MFO Oxford)
Keynote speakers :
Susan JAMES (Birkbeck)
Michael GILL (Edinburgh)
SSEMP XII is the twelfth edition of a yearly international workshop that brings together established scholars, young researchers and advanced graduate students working in the field of Early Modern Philosophy.
The SSEMP XII is organised in collaboration between the Philosophy Department at the University of St. Andrews and the ERC project NOTCOM (ERC AdG 101052433) at the Maison française d’Oxford / IHRIM, ENS de Lyon.
Organisation : James Harris (University of St. Andrews) Mogens Lærke (CNRS-IHRIM 5317, ENS de Lyon)
Sponsors :
Philosophy Department, University of St. Andrews, Scottish Philosophical Association, British Society for the History of Philosophy, IHRIM UMR 5317, ENS de Lyon
Keynote speakers :
Jennifer MARUSIC (Edinburgh)
Philippe HAMOU (Paris-Nanterre)
Organisation : James Harris (University of St. Andrews) Mogens Lærke (CNRS-IHRIM 5317, ENS de Lyon)
Sponsors :
Philosophy Department, University of St. Andrews, Scottish Philosophical Association, British Society for the History of Philosophy, IHRIM UMR 5317, ENS de Lyon
Keynote speakers :
Teresa Bejan (University of Oxford)
Craig Smith (University of Glasgow)
Udo Thiel (University of Graz)
Organisation :
Dr. Beth Lord (University of Aberdeen) ; Dr. Mogens Lærke (CNRS, IHRIM, ENS de Lyon)
Key note speakers :
Felicity Green (University of Edinburgh) ; Martin Lenz (University of Groningen)
Sponsors :
British Society for the History of Philosophy (BSHP), Scottish Philosophical Association (SPA), University of Aberdeen, IHRIM (CNRS, UMR 5317), ENS de Lyon
Organisation :
James HARRIS (University of St Andrews) Mogens LÆRKE (CNRS, ENS de Lyon)
Key Note Speakers :
Sylvana Tomaselli (Cambridge)
Matthew Daniel Eddy (Durham)
Sponsors : The Scots Philosophical Association, Philosophy Department, St. Andrews, Institute of Intellectual History, St Andrews, Institut d’histoire des représentations et des idées dans les modernités (UMR 5317), ENS de Lyon
The SSEMP VII is the seventh edition of a yearly event that brings together established scholars, young researchers and advanced graduate students working in the field of early modern philosophy. The aim is to foster scholarly exchange among the different generations of academics in the UK and to strengthen international collaboration.